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How SecuSan® door handles can stop gastrointestinal infections

Gastrointestinal infections are very unpleasant and often occur during the summer. This may be due to the fact that people often eat outdoors when the weather is good: on the one hand, bacteria multiply particularly well in food in warm weather, and on the other hand, barbecued meat may be contaminated with bacteria. If this meat is not completely cooked, or if salads are left uncooled for a long time before being consumed, the risk of infection increases. And the really horrid fact: once someone has caught it, the germs are passed on very quickly. Infection with Campylobacter, a subtype of E.coli bacteria, is particularly contagious!

Since the bacteria are transmitted via the hands, infected persons must pay close attention to adequate hand hygiene and carefully wash or disinfect their hands. However, many bacterial species can still be detected up to four weeks later once the discomfort has subsided and pathogens can still be passed on!

Regular hand hygiene is therefore essential to avoid spreading an existing infection with gastrointestinal pathogens to other people or to protect yourself from infection. However, we can do more, especially in public areas such as schools or daycare centres: antimicrobial and antibacterial door handles effectively stop germs from spreading on the handle and being passed on to the next user. SecuSan® handles from HOPPE have this type of antibacterial coating. It contains silver ions that prevent the growth of germs. They destroy the cell membrane of the germs and thus block the breathing and food intake of the cell. Cell division is halted and the germ dies. Independent tests have shown that SecuSan® reduces the growth of germs by more than 99% in this way. SecuSan® handles do not differ visually from other, “normal” handles on the door.

1) High bacterial load on the surface
1) High bacterial load on the surface
3) Germ is killed.
3) Germ is killed.
2) Silver ions destroy the cell membrane of the germ.
2) Silver ions destroy the cell membrane of the germ.
4) There is a significant reduction in the bacterial load on the surface.
4) There is a significant reduction in the bacterial load on the surface.

So, a SecuSan® handle can effectively prevent infection with bacteria, and not only in summer, the main season for gastrointestinal infections. And without having to rely on sick people thoroughly washing their hands!

HOPPE door handle with SecuSan®

Further articles on the topic
Antibacterial / Antimicrobial Handles HOPPE

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