BS EN 12320 – Padlock and Padlock Fittings

BS EN 12320:2012 classifies padlocks and padlock fittings by using a 7-digit coding system. A similar classification applies to all building hardware product standards so that complementary items of hardware can be specified to, for instance, a common level of corrosion resistance, category of use, etc. Each digit refers to a particular feature of the product measured against the standard’s performance requirements.
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7-Digit Coding System

BS EN 12320:2012 classifies padlocks and padlock fittings by using a 7-digit coding system. A similar classification applies to all building hardware product standards so that complementary items of hardware can be specified to, for instance, a common level of corrosion resistance, category of use, etc. Each digit refers to a particular feature of the product measured against the standard’s performance requirements.

Digit 1 – Category of use

No requirement

Digit 2 – Durability

No requirement

Digit 3 – Door mass

No requirement

Digit 4 – Fire resistance

No requirement

Digit 5 – Safety

No requirement

Digit 6 – Corrosion resistance

2 grades:
Grade 1: internal applications
Grade 3: external applications

Digit 7 – Security requirements

6 grades – where 6 is the highest and 1 the lowest

Source: Door and Hardware Federation (DHF) Best Practise Guide: Padlocks & padlock fittings to BS EN 12320:2012

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