Home Page / Contacts & Service / Standards / DIN EN 1906 / DIN EN 1906 (Classification Key)

Meaning of the Numbers in the Classification Key:

1. digit:

Category of use
Grades 1-4

2. digit:

Grades6 or 7
Description of grades6 = 100,000 cycles
7 = 200,000 cycles

3. digit:

Door mass
Gradesno classification
Description of grades-

4. digit:

Fire resistance
Grades0, A, A1, B, B1, C, C1, D or D1
Description of grades0 = Not approved for use on fire/smoke door assemblies
A = Suitable for use on smoke door assemblies
A1 = Suitable for use on smoke door assemblies (tested with 200,000 test cycles on a test door)
B = Suitable for use on fire/smoke door assemblies (tested with 200,000 test cycles)
B1 = Suitable for use on fire/smoke door assemblies (tested with 200,000 test cycles on a test door)
C = Suitable for use on smoke and fire-resistant doors with requirements
for fire-resistant dividers in backplate, door rose and escutcheon
C1 = Suitable for use on smoke and fire-resistant doors with requirements for fire-resistant dividers in backplate, door rose and escutcheon (tested with 200,000 test cycles on a test door)
D = Suitable for use on fire/smoke door assemblies with require for a steel core in the handle
D1 = Suitable for use on fire/smoke door assemblies with require for a steel core in the handle (tested with 200,000 test cycles on a test door)

5. digit:

Safety *
Grades0 or 1
Description of grades0 = Normal use
1 = Safety applications

6. digit:

Corrosion resistance
Description of grades0 = No defined corrosion resistance (no test)
1 = Mild resistance (24-hr salt-spray test)
2 = Moderate resistance (48-hr salt-spray test)
3 = High resistance (96-hr salt-spray test)
4 = Very high resistance (240-hr salt-spray test)
5 = Extremely high resistance to corrosion (480-hour salt-spray test)

7. digit:

Description of grades0 = Furniture not approved for use on burglary resistand doors
1 = Mild burglary resistance
2 = Moderate burglary resistance
3 = High burglary resistance
4 = Very high burglary resistance

8. digit:

Type of operation
GradesA, B or U
Description of gradesA = Spring-assisted furniture
B = Spring-loaded furniture
U = Unsprung furniture

* According to DIN EN 1906 the increased safety tests (for example for doors to cellars where there is risk of falling) are optional, so the figure 0 may appear by digit 5 in the classification key. However, according to DIN 18255, all public building sets, and as such subject to categories of use grades 3 and 4, must pass this test.