
HOPPE offers solutions for your architectural fitting requirements, e.g. solid burglary protection on doors and windows, time-saving installation solutions, attractive shapes and sturdy finishes or smart home components that make life easier.
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Burglary protection



Burglary-resistant window handles with SecuForte® provide effective protection against unauthorised opening of windows from the outside. The handle is automatically locked when the window is closed or tilted. A unique security concept only allows the window handle to be operated according to the “push to turn” principle.

Secu100® and Secu200®

Secu100® and Secu200®

A locked window handle with Secu100® or Secu200® technology offers effective burglary protection. A reinforcement on the locking mechanism prevents the locked handle from being turned and pulled off forcibly from the outside.

Secu100® + Secustik®

Secu100® + Secustik®

A locked, burglary-resistant window handle with Secu100® + Secustik® technology prevents the handle from being pulled off or turned by force from the outside – up to a force of 100 Nm. If the window handle is not locked, the tried-and-tested Secustik® technology offers basic security – the integral locking mechanism makes it difficult to move the window fitting from the outside.



In window handles with SecuDuplex®, the keyed cylinder is also a push button and combines the advantages of both technologies.

The keyed cylinder locks the window handle as usual – if it is not locked, the push button function makes it difficult to move the architectural fitting from the outside. The handle can only be turned from the inside if the unlocked keyed cylinder is held down. This makes it more difficult to open the window unintentionally or without permission.

TBT / SecuTBT®

TBT / SecuTBT®

To prevent falls from windows, locked TBT (Tilt Before Turn) windows can only be fully opened with a key – but can be tilted for ventilation without having to unlock them. With the SecuTBT® function, the handle locks automatically in the tilt position - “two-hand operation” is required to fully open the window, i.e. turning the key and handle at the same time. This makes it more difficult to open the window unintentionally or without permission.



With Secustik® technology, an integrated locking mechanism makes it difficult for burglars to shift the window fitting from the outside. You can also hear this additional level of security: the self-securing lock mechanism engages with a precise click at different handle positions.




The SecuSan® antimicrobial finish suppresses the growth of bacteria, fungi and algae on HOPPE door and window handles. It thus provides active, permanent and reliable protection against infection – in hospitals and schools, as well as in private households. The high effectiveness of SecuSan® has been confirmed in independent laboratory and practical tests.

KISI2 – HOPPE Handle Blocking Device

KISI2 – HOPPE Handle Blocking Device

KISI2 – HOPPE Handle Blocking Device

Children learn incredibly fast – mostly by observing and imitating. With KISI2, HOPPE offers a window handle blocking device that, with the required two-hand grip, meets current requirements for protection from unwanted opening of the window.

Simple installation

HOPPE Quick-FitPlus

HOPPE Quick-FitPlus

With Quick-FitPlus, not only door handles, but also the corresponding handle roses and escutcheons can be installed quickly and easily. Both standard roses and flat roses can be installed in just a few simple steps without screws – self-adhesive or pluggable.

HOPPE Quick-Fit Connection

HOPPE Quick-Fit Connection

With the HOPPE Quick-Fit connection, door handles can be fitted quicker and easier.
Thanks to the tried-and-tested clamping mechanism, the door handles can be permanently fixed in place with just one movement, leaving them stable and free from play on the door.



The Sertos® clip-in connection is designed for door handles in heavy use in public buildings (category of use grade 4). It is designed for at least 1,000,000 actuations without functional impairment – certified by a PIVCERTPlus test. Assembly and disassembly can be carried out in just a few simple steps and without special tools.



HOPPE window handles with VarioFit® fit window profiles of different depths – removing the need to measure the required spindle length for most conventional windows. The VarioFit® square spindle, which is equipped with a pressure spring, bridges steplessly up to 10 mm – meaning that fewer window handle variants need to be stocked by the distributor.


On-Trend Finishes

On-Trend Finishes

The many options for redesigning a home span from curtains to pictures and decorative objects. Often overlooked are the door and window handles, which have a significant impact on the overall design of the living space. New handle shapes and colours quickly give a room a completely different look. HOPPE architectural fittings come in many different shapes and finishes to suit any interior design style.

Edgy Trends

Edgy Trends

Rena linjer, elegant design och kantiga former: Kantiga handtag är trendigt – och inte bara i minimalistiskt inredda rum. Handtagsserier från HOPPE med kantiga former har karaktär – och gör dörrar och fönster till blickfång.

New Design

New Design

In keeping with current trends, we are constantly expanding our product range with new series. It is important to us that our new shapes meet the demands of contemporary living.

Reductionist Design Language

Reductionist Design Language

Minimalism is on trend – this is also reflected in HOPPE’s latest roses and architectural fittings. Their simplicity makes them particularly elegant and harmonises with every door and every window.

HCS® – HOPPE Compact System

HCS® – HOPPE Compact System

The HOPPE Compact System – HCS® for short – is a compact fitting system for homes and offices. It combines door set, lock and various closing and locking functions. The HCS® range offers a wide range of functions, materials, shapes and finishes.

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